Dear Cove Neighbors,
The City of Stamford Zoning Board recently approved the placement of a marijuana dispensary at 1308 East Main Street (The Boat Yard).
Along with our Darien Neighbors and the Chilton Trust Company (directly across from 1308), there is a funding effort to legally stop this
from happening. To this end, if you are inclined to help with legal expenses, please contribute here! This GoFundMe effort has already raised
over $3,000, along with another $4,000 pledged to match your contributions dollar for dollar. Every dollar donated will directly fund legal
expertise and resources necessary for our robust appeal. So far, The Chilton Trust Company has exclusively covered all legal costs to
date including the initial dispute against the 1308 application, as well as the initial cost of the July 3, 2024 appeal. Chilton wants to continue
to support this litigation and is asking for neighborhood support to help pay for the estimated $25,000 to $30,000 in legal fees.
Legal Info
Fortunately, the public hearings and the application process left several points of vulnerability for a dispensary at 1308-addressed in the appeal filed on July 3, 2024, by The Law Offices of Green and Gross, P.C. Importantly, the appeal goes through the CT court system and will be reviewed by a judge (which, we believe, will support a review process less subject to political and other pressures).
Consider this a small investment in the long-term safety, aesthetics, and home value of the community we love. Contribute here!
All supporters will be continually informed about the progress of the appeal, thus ensuring your investment is accounted for.
Thank you!
